
This event has been cancelled

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Event Time Cancelled
Event Location Manchester Academy, Manchester
Event Price £10 + fees
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 14+


£10.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Nothing selected yet


+ special guests:

The Favours

The Velvetines

The Revival

Glacmanis are a Manchester-based alternative rock 4-piece formed in 2022 by Josh Haylock (rhythm guitar, vocals) and Matt Lewis (bass guitar, vocals). Their debut album ‘Welcome to the Party’, released August 2024, draws influence from artists such as LCD Soundsystem, Talking Heads, The Beatles, and the Happy Mondays. Elliott Jones (lead guitar) and Olli Sharp (drums) joined in 2024 and they made a blazing live debut at the Manchester Club Academy in May 2024. Their forthcoming single, ‘The Direction’, draws influence from John Lennon and Father John Misty.


Manchester Academy
Manchester University Students Union, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PR, UK