BXRRELL plus Tilly Kingston

BXRRELL plus Tilly Kingston

Event Time Fri 31st May at 7:00pm-Fri 31st May at 11:00pm
Event Location Anarchy Brew Co, Newcastle upon Tyne
Event Price £15 + fees
Last Entry Time
Last entry time: 21:00
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 16 plus


BXRRELL £15.00 +
£1.50 booking fee
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BXRRELL plus Tilly Kingston

BXRRELL (pronounced buhRELL) consists of YouTube and social media rock sensation Sophie Burrell, Sped Spedding and Simon Uselis.

Think pop-rock with emo edges, reminiscent of Paramore circa 2013 and present-day hypnotic Billie Eillish hooks, packed with scathing drumbeats and simmering guitar riffs that ascend and circle back on themselves, hell-bent yet triumphant.

Their debut single ‘Dare To,’ released on the 24th February 2023, is a battlecry for listeners to unapologetically claim their self-worth and flaunt it with a healthy dose of attitude and eyeliner.

As a fearless musical virtuoso in her own right, Sophie is one of the world’s most watched guitarists, with a collective online following of over 2 million. Her earliest guitar influences include the likes of Slash, Alter Bridge and Nirvana. When asked about the main themes of her songwriting, Sophie said: “Mental health is a big one. Reflecting on painful experiences through writing helps me process how I can grow and learn from them. Followed by self-love, knowing your worth and spreading a message of empowerment


TILLY’S hard edged, punk rock, & metal fused pop will connect with anyone who’s ever felt like a misfit. Born in the midlands, U.K, TILLY KINGSTON is the breakout teen antihero — an edgy, refreshing, unorthodox counter to the typical pop artist, TILLY'S mantra is empowerment.


Anarchy Brew Co
Benfield Business Park, Unit A1, Benfield Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 4NQ, UK