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The Emerald City - New Members Evening

The Emerald City - New Members Evening

Event Time Thu 17th Mar 2016 at 6:00pm-Thu 17th Mar 2016 at 10:30pm
Event Location Suburbia Cocktail Co. of Manchester, Manchester
Event Price Free + fees
JCI Manchester


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The Emerald City - New Members Evening

*EVENT SOLD OUT* if you would like to attend please email

Join us for our biggest event of the year, our new members evening! Follow JCI Manchester to The Emerald City and celebrate St Patrick's Day in style!

Do you want to learn what JCI Manchester is all about? Or are you a seasoned pro who regularly joins us? Either way you can join JCI members, friends and new faces at this FREE event. 

Yes free. Tickets include two cocktails, food and entertainment. We have exclusive use of Suburbia until 10pm (though you'll be able to stay for free when they open the doors to the paying public).

Those of you who know JCI Manchester know this will be a packed, fun and informal event. Great to relax and mingle with a huge group of Manchester's young professionals. To ensure an extra special evening, our canapés are being made by the exclusive La Bandera and as always we have our photographer on hand to capture the moments! 

We are thrilled to celebrate this on St Patrick's Day and hope you will join us! We are expecting a huge turnout, with guests and members from all companies, sectors, levels and roles. So come and join us, as you never know who you are going to meet! 

Stay in touch and use the hashtag #JCIemerald on Twitter or email with any questions. See you there!

*Please note: one ticket per transaction. Each ticket requires the individual to sign up. Tickets available on the door for £5 on the night. So sign up now to secure your free space! * 

With a huge thank you to Freeman Fisher who are kindly sponsoring the New Members Evening. Freeman Fisher will be joining us on the night so if you have any questions or want a discussion on how the team can help you don't forget to give them a shout!


Suburbia Cocktail Co. of Manchester
4 Ridgefield, Manchester M2 6EQ, United Kingdom