Flushed - A New Play

Flushed - A New Play

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About Flushed - A New Play

Flushed - A New Play

Welcome to the Ladies Room.

Two women, one diagnosis and approximately 7 different bathrooms: Flushed follows a changing time in the lives of inseparable sisters, Jen and Marnie. When Marnie is diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, her life is altered and the relationship between the two girls is tested. Flushed is a play about the everlasting bond that is made within the cubicle walls; where friendships are formed, secrets are shared and girls poo.

Theatre Unlocked is a new theatre company comprised of graduates from the University of Manchester and the University of Salford. Individually, our members have been involved in various projects throughout the country. As a company, we feel that the issues surrounding Premature Ovarian Insufficiency are not as publicly recognised as they should be. Surprisingly, there is only one charity in the UK that deals with this issue: the Daisy Network. We are pleased to be in communication with this charity and are appreciative of their support; we plan to fundraise for them throughout the run.