A Very May-Ry Christmas - Tinsel, Tassles & Tease!

A Very May-Ry Christmas - Tinsel, Tassles & Tease!

Event Time Sat 17th May at 7:00pm-Sat 17th May at 11:00pm
Event Location Gorilla Beer Hall, Mexborough
Event Price £15 + fees
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18
Gorilla Beer Hall


General £15.00 +
£1.50 booking fee
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A Very May-Ry Christmas - Tinsel, Tassles & Tease!

Fanny Flamingo & her burlesque troop are back!

We had such a great night last year that we just had to get them back - make a date in your diary for a fabulous night of tinsel, tassels & tease!


Gorilla Beer Hall
Canalside Industrial Estate, Unit 3 Cliff St, Mexborough S64 9HU, UK