Shortlisted for a BBC New Comedy Award, the iconic character of Lady Bushra is played by fast growing comedian Amir Dean. Often seen performing his sold out shows in the UK, this drag queen has taken the scene by storm with online videos viewed over 35 million times whereas his live performances have been enjoyed as far as London, Prague and Austria. In 2024, Amir took his solo show 'Saree About It' on tour and has now stationed it in New York City!
“Dazzling!” – LA Times
“Talented performer… a sensation” – Telegraph and Argus
“Manchester drag royalty” – Theatre Reviews North
“The OG Bradford bad girl” – Manchester Evening News
The persona of Lady Bushra is ‘Vicky Pollard meets Bollywood’. Expect to see a well-dressed, saree clad beauty perform a chaotic blend of standup with a digital twist! Whether she’s talking about her upbringing, weekly diary or rising gas prices, Lady Bushra is razor sharp, quick witted and does not disappoint her audiences!
The Details:
Don't Tell Mama is our venue for this event and will be happy to serve you with their fabulous food and drink concoctions. CASH ONLY.
Instagram: @lady.bushra
For any questions email:
See you all then!