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Deep In Bass

Deep In Bass

Event Time Fri 24th May at 11:00pm-Sat 25th May at 4:00am
Event Location BlueBox, York
Event Price Free - £5 + fees
Last Entry Time
Last entry time: 3am
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18-30
Based Events


FREE TICKETS (Entry before 12am) Sold Out
Early Bird Tickets (Entry before 12am) More Sold Out
£0.99 +
£1.00 booking fee
First Release Sold Out
£4.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Final Release Off Sale
£5.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Entry Before 12am Off Sale
£2.99 +
£1.00 booking fee
Nothing selected yet



Deep In Bass

🚀 Blasting York Straight Into Deep Bass! 🚀

Brace yourself, York! After having a spectacular launch in April and making our mark in your city, we're delighted to announce our next event! DEEP IN BASS @ BLUEBOX 

🎶 Elevating Local Talents, One Beat at a Time 🎶

One of our key promises is to shine a spotlight on underground talents, particularly the vibrant pool of student artists in the area. We're proud to unveil a stellar lineup of York's most promising, non-mainstream DJs Playing alongside our resident DJs - DISORD3RLY CONDUCT 🚨🚔

🔊 Briggs - ALFIEIRI - PR!MAL - AFROBYTE - Atom  🔊

These maestros represent the beating heart of York's underground music scene, and their sets are a testament to the undiscovered talent thriving right here in our city. It's a celebration of local student artists, breaking boundaries, and making waves.

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready to go DEEP IN BASS!

See you on the dance floor! 🚀🎉

Are you an aspiring DJ in York and want to play at our future events? Or want to earn a commission selling tickets as a rep? If so, contact us via our email - message us on whatsapp or look out for our open deck networking events where we hang out, play tunes and source our local artists and staff.


12 New St, York YO1 7LA, UK