ACC | When I Grow Up

ACC | When I Grow Up

Event Time Wed 29th Jan at 9:00pm-Thu 30th Jan at 2:00am
Event Location Imperial College Union, London
Event Price £4.50 - £5.50 + fees
Last Entry Time
Last entry time: Midnight
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18+


Early Entry (pre-2300) Sold Out
£4.50 +
£1.00 booking fee
Standard Entry (before midnight) £5.50 +
£1.00 booking fee
Nothing selected yet

ACC | When I Grow Up

After 2 sold out events last term, we're taking a trip down memory lane. What did you want to be when you were younger? A firefighter or astronaut? Or maybe you had high hopes to be a dazzling footballer or star actor?

ACC is back on 29 January, so get ready to come as your childhood dream! 🎉

Dress up as your dream job - we can't wait to see your fit. Tickets dropping in early Jan.

See you there! 💫


- This is an Imperial College Union event, only those with an Imperial student ID will be permitted entry.
- 18+ only.
- Tickets are non-transferrable and non-refundable, you may only purchase tickets for use yourself, or guest tickets (where available) for individuals with whom you will be attending the event.
- ICU Ticket Terms & Conditions apply:
- You must bring a government-issued ID and student ID.
- For any other enquiries, please contact
